Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can browse through the most common questions and answers related to Díjnet to make managing your e-bills even easier!


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You can find useful information about Díjnet's services and innovations, as well as stay informed about any changes or current prize draws.

Changes in the registration and login process

What has changed in the Díjnet login process?

From now on, when logging in, you can provide your email address associated with your Díjnet account instead of your username. This means you can now log in to your Díjnet account using your email address and password.*

*If multiple Díjnet accounts are associated with the same email address, you can still log in using your username and password.

Let's give it a try, log in to Díjnet!

What has changed in the Díjnet account registration process?

We have simplified the Díjnet account registration process: now you can easily create your Díjnet account using just your email address and a freely chosen password, we no longer require a username.

Moreover, the registration process, which used to consist of three steps, is now even faster, with just two simple steps:

  1. Providing your login details,
  2. Finalizing the registration with an activation link sent in an email.

Important! When registering, please provide an email address that is not already associated with a Díjnet account. From now on, only one Díjnet account can be registered with one email address.

Sign up!

What information do I need to provide during registration?

When creating a Díjnet account, you will only need to provide your email address and a password. Additionally, when you first log into your Díjnet account, you will need to provide your postal code so that we can inform you about the service providers available at your consumption location in the future.

Sign up!

Merging Díjnet accounts

What does merging Díjnet accounts mean?

Merging Díjnet accounts involves converting two existing Díjnet accounts into one. During the merging process, the contents of one of your selected Díjnet accounts (including all your biller registrations and e-bills) will be transferred to the Díjnet account you intend to continue using.

How can I merge my Díjnet accounts?

To merge your Díjnet accounts, log in to the Díjnet account you wish to continue using, then click on the ,,User Data” menu and select the „User contraction” tab.

After that, all you need to do is provide the login details of the Díjnet account you wish to discontinue.

If you have provided the login details correctly, all your biller registrations, e-bills, and any other data or history from the Díjnet account you wish to discontinue will automatically be transferred to your remaining Díjnet account.

After the merger, you will not be able to log in to the discontinued Díjnet account.

If I merge two Díjnet accounts, will I lose my e-bills?

No, you will still find your e-bills in the Díjnet account you choose to keep. During the merging process, all your e-bills from the account you wish to discontinue will be transferred to the one you intend to continue using.

Password change

Why do I need to change my Díjnet account password?

The security of our customers' data is important to us. Therefore, we have changed our password requirements, and now you can only use a strong password for your Díjnet account.

The current Díjnet password requirements are as follows: the password must be between 8 and 30 characters long, contain at least one lowercase and one uppercase letter, and one number, but it cannot contain accented characters.

How often do I need to change my Díjnet account password?

Díjnet does not require customers to change their passwords regularly; there is no need to change your password periodically.

My password is already strong enough, why do I still need to change it?

Since only you know your password, Díjnet cannot determine if your current password is strong enough.

What password can I use?

The password for Díjnet registration must be between 8 and 30 characters long. It must contain at least one lowercase and one uppercase letter and one number, but do not use accented characters.

I forgot my current password because I have been logging in with a saved password in my browser. What should I do?

If you forgot your password, click here to request a new one. All you need to do is provide the email address associated with your account, or your username (if you have one). Then we will send a link to your Díjnet account email address, where you can reset your password.

Important! If multiple Díjnet accounts are associated with your email address, you need to provide the username of the Díjnet account for which you forgot the password when requesting a new password.

Are my data secure on Díjnet?

AThe security of our customers' data is a top priority for Díjnet, and we take all necessary security measures.

A multi-level protection system ensures that unauthorized individuals cannot access your data. Firstly, the Díjnet system operates in an environment protected by SHL 256 RSA encryption. Secondly, your Díjnet account and associated data can only be accessed with the email address and password you provide.

How can I make the password I choose as secure as possible?

Díjnet password requirements already ensure that you choose a strong password, but you can take some simple steps to enhance online security:

  • Do not use meaningful words as your password.
  • Do not use your personal data or the names and birthdates of your relatives as your password.
  • Do not use the same password for all online platforms.
  • Never share your password with anyone!

Díjnet account

We have compiled the most basic, general information about Díjnet services and e-bills for you. You can find useful information here if you don't have a Díjnet account yet or if you are just getting acquainted with the Díjnet system.

General questions about díjnet and e-bills

What is Díjnet?

On Díjnet, you can manage and pay your bills issued by various service providers (bill issuers) in electronic form (e-bill).

On Díjnet, you can manage and pay various bills, including utility, telecommunications, insurance, and remote monitoring e-bills, all in one place.

This saves you time and energy, and using e-bills also helps the environment.

In addition to managing e-bills on Díjnet, you can donate to numerous foundations and charitable organizations and report your auxiliary water meter in Budapest (auxiliary water meters managed by Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt.).

Sign up!

What extra services are available on Díjnet?

In addition to managing and paying your e-bills on Díjnet, you can donate to various foundations and charitable organizations and report your auxiliary water meter in Budapest (auxiliary water meters managed by Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt.).

Sign up!

Why is it worth registering for Díjnet?

E-bills are a convenient solution: you no longer need to store paper bills because using Díjnet is free, and we keep your electronic bills free of charge for 18 months (with our SzámlaPlusz service, even beyond 18 months).

  • You can pay e-bills online anytime, from any device with your bank card.
  • • You can access multiple bills for your household on a single online platform with just one email address-password pair.
  • E-bills are an environmentally friendly solution.
Sign up!

How much does the Díjnet service cost?

The basic service of Díjnet is completely free: we keep your e-bills received in Díjnet free of charge for 18 months.

In addition, Díjnet provides payment methods free of charge. Any fees payable to the account-holding bank are determined by the conditions of the customers' bank account packages.

Sign up!

Does Díjnet have a mobile application?

No, Díjnet currently does not have a mobile application, but you can easily use Díjnet on your smartphone by typing the website address into your browser.

Díjnet is accessible and easy to use on all devices (desktop, mobile, tablet), so you can easily pay your e-bills anywhere, anytime.

Díjnet account registration

How can I register for a Díjnet account?

To register for a Díjnet account, all you need to do is click on the "JOIN" button in the top right corner of the website and provide your email address and a password of your choice.

Then we will send an activation email to your email address. In the activation email, you will find a link that you need to click to finalize your registration.

You can also initiate Díjnet account registration by clicking here.

To manage your bills on Díjnet, after creating your Díjnet account, you still need to register your service providers. You can do this in the "Bill issuers" section.

Sign up!

I did not receive the activation email. Why?

If you cannot find the activation email, it may have ended up in the spam/promotions folder.

In some cases, with less common email providers, the activation email may arrive a few minutes later.

If you still cannot find the email, please write to, and our colleagues will be happy to help.

Why do I need to provide my postal code during Díjnet registration?

You need to provide your postal code to make it easier for you to register your billers. Providing your postal code allows us to show you a list of service providers available at your consumption location.

Of course, if you want to pay bills for other consumption locations (e.g., vacation home, grandparents' house, etc.) on Díjnet, you can do so regardless of the postal code you provided.

Can I manage bills for others (e.g., my grandparents) on Díjnet alongside my own?

Yes, on Díjnet, you can manage bills for multiple properties simultaneously. When registering billers, make sure to provide appropriate information.

To register, you usually need a bill that is not older than six months, and you initiate registration by providing the data on that bill.

Register a service provider!

I forgot my password, what should I do?

If you forgot your password, click here to request a new one. All you need to do is provide the email address associated with your account, or your username (if you have one). Then we will send a link to your Díjnet account email address, where you can reset your password.

Important! If multiple Díjnet accounts are associated with your email address, you need to provide the username of the Díjnet account for which you forgot the password when requesting a new password.


If I switch to e-billing, will I still receive a paper bill?

No, if you switch to e-billing, your service provider will not issue any more paper-based bills and checks to the registered customer identifier. The e-bill is only available in electronic format.

Can I present the e-bill during customer service administration?

In terms of content, the e-bill is identical to the paper-based bill, so it fully substitutes for it and is accepted during transactions. However, it can only be presented online. The e-bill is electronically authenticated, so simultaneous issuance of a paper-based bill is not possible.

In printed form, the e-bill is for informational purposes only and is not suitable for presentation as proof when printed. The tax authority also electronically verifies electronically issued invoices.

I registered for a Díjnet account, but I can't see my bills. Why?

To manage your bills on Díjnet, you first need to register your service providers. You can do this easily in the Bill issuers menu by providing a few details.

Register a service provider!

Why can't I see my previous bills on Díjnet?

You cannot manage bills initiated and accepted by the service provider before registration on Díjnet. Neither your paper bills nor your previous e-bills will appear in your Díjnet account.

Will I receive a notification when my e-bill arrives?

Yes, we will send a notification to the email address you provided during registration when you receive a new e-bill. By clicking on the button in the email, you can easily pay the bill with a credit card (saved or unsaved).

How can I download my e-bill received on Díjnet?

To download your e-bill received on Díjnet, click on the respective bill, then on the PDF icon on the "Donwload" tab.

Where can I turn if I have an issue with the content of the bill?

Regarding the content of your bill, only your service provider can provide information. However, you can also contact your service provider through Díjnet and report the issue.

If you want to send a question or comment to your service provider regarding a specific bill, you can do so as follows:

  1. Log in to your Díjnet account.
  2. Click on the respective bill, then on the "Comments" tab.
  3. Provide your name and message.

This message will automatically be sent to your service provider, who will reply directly to your registered Díjnet email address.

Can I manage corporate bills on Díjnet?

Yes, both individuals and representatives of business entities can join the Díjnet electronic bill presentation service. In the case of business entities, some bill issuers may request proof of authorization.

Service providers

You'll find answers to your questions about available service providers on Díjnet and the process of registering bill issuers here.

Available service providers

What types of service providers' bills can I pay on Díjnet?

Currently, the following service providers (bill issuers) are available on the Díjnet system:

Allianz Hungária Zrt.
Bakonykarszt Zrt.
Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt.
Direct One
DRV Zrt.
E.R.Ö.V. Víziközmű Zrt.
Érd és Térsége Csatornaszolgáltató Kft.
Érd és Térsége Víziközmű Kft.
ÉRV Zrt.
Északdunántúli Vízmű Zrt.
Fejérvíz Zrt.
Fővárosi Csatornázási Művek Zrt.
Hódmezővásárhelyi Vagyonkezelő Zrt.
Kaposvári Önkormányzati Vagyonkezelő és Szolgáltató Zrt.
KAVÍZ Kaposvári Víz- és Csatornamű Kft.
Magyar Telekom Nyrt.
MOHU MOL Hulladékgazdálkodási Zrt.
Multi Távfelügyelet Zrt.
MVM Next Energiakereskedelmi Zrt.
Nyírségvíz Zrt.
Stabil-Téka Épület és Lakásfenntartó Kft.
Szegedi Vízmű Zrt.
SZÉPHŐ Székesfehérvári Épületfenntartó és Hőszolgáltató Zrt.
Tettye Forrásház Zrt.
Tiszamenti Regionális Vízművek Zrt.
TiszaSzolg 2004 Kft.
VKSZ Veszprémi Közüzemi Szolgáltató Zrt.

Register a service provider!

What types of service providers are available on Díjnet?

You can find bills from electricity, rent, insurance, gas, waste management, common expenses (condominium fees), remote monitoring, district heating, as well as TV, internet, telephone, and water-sewage service providers on Díjnet.

Both Budapest-based and rural service providers' bills can be managed on Díjnet.

I'll check the available providers!

How do I know which service providers' bills I can manage on Díjnet?

Upon logging into Díjnet, you'll find all available service providers under the Bill issuers menu. Additionally, you can filter them by categories or postal codes.

I'll check the available providers!

I'm not sure if my service provider is available on Díjnet. How can I find out?

You can filter available service providers on Díjnet in multiple ways.

You can select the type of service, filtering for service providers within a specific category. You can manage bills from electricity, rent, insurance, gas, waste management, common expenses, remote monitoring, district heating, as well as TV, internet, telephone, and water-sewage services on Díjnet.

In the zip code field, you can enter the postal code of the consumption location whose bills you want to manage on Díjnet.

I'll check the available providers!

I can't find my service provider on Díjnet. Where can I report this?

Ensuring customer satisfaction is a top priority for Díjnet, so we continuously work on expanding the range of available service providers.

If you can't find your service provider on Díjnet, we suggest expressing your interest to your service provider.

Bill issuer registration

How can I register my service providers? What do I need for bill issuer registration?

Upon logging into Díjnet, select the service provider you wish to register under the "Bill Issuers" menu.

For registration, you'll need a bill dated no more than six months old.

Afterward, all you have to do is provide some basic information from the bill. We'll forward your registration request to the service provider, who will verify the information you provided. If the information is correct, they'll approve your registration request.

We'll send a notification to your registered email address on Díjnet. After this, e-bills issued by the respective service provider will start arriving on Díjnet.

Register a service provier!

I can't find the necessary data for registration on the bill. What should I do?

Click on the green "i" icon next to the data required for registration to get assistance on where exactly to find that information on the bill.

I received a notification that my registration was rejected by the service provider. Why?

If your registration request was rejected by the service provider, we recommend verifying the accuracy of the provided information.

It is important that if you want to manage bills for other properties (e.g. grandparents' house) on Díjnet, enter the name that appears on the bill, i.e. the name of the contracting party.

If you intended to register the bill issuer MVM Next Energiakereskedelmi Zrt. but have previously received e-bills from them through their platform, you'll need to first cancel the e-bill received directly from MVM Next to request e-bills through Díjnet.

Why can't I see my previous bills on Díjnet?

Bills initiated and accepted by the service provider before registration on Díjnet cannot be managed on Díjnet. Neither your paper bills nor your previous e-bills will appear in your Díjnet account.

How can I manage my bills received on the Telekom platform on Díjnet?

With Telekom, you can request your bills on both platforms simultaneously.

If you don't pay the bill through Díjnet, you can mark the already paid bill as "Settled" by clicking on the bill, then clicking on the "Mark as Settled" button. After this, you will find the bill under the "Bill Search" menu.

Registering my Telekom bill!

I didn't receive feedback on the acceptance of my bill issuer registration. Why?

Your service provider will review and approve the registration, which may take some time.

I didn't receive feedback on the deletion of my bill issuer registration. Why?

Your service provider will review and approve the deletion of the registration, which may take some time.

Bill payment

Here you will find answers to your questions regarding the available service providers on Díjnet and the process of billing registration.

Payment methods

How can I pay the e-bills received on Díjnet?

You can settle your e-bills received on Díjnet with several convenient payment methods:

  • from your Díjnet account with a bank card (saved or unsaved),
  • by clicking the button in the invoice notification sent by Díjnet (with a saved or unsaved bank card),
  • via the iCsekk app,
  • through internet banking (for CIB Bank customers only),
  • with direct debit, or
  • through individual bank transfer.

By logging into your Díjnet account, you can pay all your e-bills at once with a bank card (basket payment).

Let's give it a try!

Mi az a kosárfizetés?

Basket payment allows you to pay all your pending e-bills presented in your Díjnet account at once.

After successful payment, we'll send an email detailing which bills you paid during the transaction.

Let's give it a try!

How can I save my bank card?

You can save your bank card:

  • when initiating bill payments, or
  • by logging into your Díjnet account, clicking on the "Saving bank cards" tab under the Payment Methods section. In this case, to validate the card, the payment service provider charges your bank account with 100 HUF, which is credited back within a few minutes.
I want to save my card

Why is it beneficial to save my bank card?

Saving your bank card is secure: Díjnet doesn't store data; only the payment service provider (OTP Mobil Ltd. - SimplePay) has access.

With saved bank cards, payments are faster: You won't need to enter your bank card details for subsequent bill payments, making the process simpler.

Managing saved bank cards is easy: You can rename or delete them from your Díjnet account with a few clicks.

I want to save my card

How can I pay through the iCsekk app?

You can easily pay your e-bills presented in your Díjnet account through the iCsekk app. First, you need to provide your Díjnet login details in the iCsekk app to link your iCsekk and Díjnet accounts.

Then, in your Díjnet account under the User Data menu, by clicking on the Settings tab, you can set up which bills will be sent to the iCsekk app. After this, simply log into the iCsekk app and use your bank card to settle the bills.

You can choose to pay bills from specific service providers through the app or set up automatic forwarding of all your bills to the iCsekk app.

If you prefer not to have your bills automatically forwarded, click on the bill you wish to pay, and only that selected bill will be forwarded.

If you want to learn more about the iCsekk app, click here for useful information.

Check it on Díjnet

Hogyan fizethetek internetbankból?

This feature is currently available only to CIB Bank customers!

If you're a CIB Bank customer, you can easily pay your presented bills directly from your internet banking.

  • First, click on a bill to pay, then select internet banking from the Payment Methods dropdown menu.
  • Next, click on the CIB Bank logo to initiate registration for payment via internet banking.
  • Finally, you need to activate your registration on the CIB Bank platform. By logging into the CIB Bank mobile app or online platform, in the "Orders/Díjnet" menu, click on the "Add Díjnet profile" button and provide the identification received during the registration process on Díjnet. The bank will automatically send this back for identification purposes. If you correctly input the Díjnet identification, the registration will become active on both platforms.

Then, in your Díjnet account under the User Data menu, by clicking on the Settings tab, you can set up which bills will be sent to your CIB internet banking.

You can choose to pay bills from specific service providers through internet banking or set up automatic forwarding of all your bills to your CIB internet banking.

If you prefer not to have your bills automatically forwarded, click on the bill you wish to pay, and only that selected bill will be forwarded.

How can I set which bill to pay and with which payment method?

In the User Data menu, under the Settings tab, you can set up which bills will be sent to the iCsekk mobile app or CIB internet banking.

You can choose to pay bills from specific service providers through internet banking or set up automatic forwarding of all your bills to your CIB internet banking.

If you prefer not to have your bills automatically forwarded, click on the bill you wish to pay, and only that selected bill will be forwarded.

I want to make an individual bank transfer, how can I do this?

Click on the bill you want to pay, then select "Individual Bank Transfer Details" from the dropdown menu under Payment Methods.

The data required for the transfer will then be displayed. Make sure that you enter the correct data when making the transfer, so that your payment will definitely go to the correct invoice issuer! In case of different data, Díjnet will refund the amount.

Please do not transfer the amount to be paid for e-invoices to Díjnet's bank account number.

Payment issues

When does the payment made through Díjnet reach the service provider?

It varies; it may take a few days because in the case of a successful bank card payment initiated from the Díjnet system, Please do not transfer the amount to be paid for e-invoices to Díjnet's bank account number.

This is because, according to our General Terms and Conditions, Díjnet Zrt. is obliged to transmit the amount of the payment to the service provider within three working days following the settlement with the payment service provider.

We transfer the amount of the payment to the service provider after it has been settled by the payment service provider or the bank and the notification has been received by Díjnet.

How long does it take for the change in my bill balance to be reflected in the Díjnet system after I have settled it?

Díjnet receives information about changes in bill balances from the service provider*, so the balance of the bill in our system changes only after the amount received by the service provider has been booked and after the notification sent to Díjnet.

In the case of payment via bank card and internet banking on Díjnet, the status of the bill changes immediately to "Paid" after the banking transaction, but its balance changes only after being booked by the service provider and after the notification received by Díjnet. Thus, in the Díjnet system, your bill can be in a settled status at the earliest on the third or fourth working day following the banking transaction.

For individual transfers and direct debits, due to the processing time of bank transfers, it may take one to two working days for the value of the bill to appear in the service provider's system.


The Allianz Zrt., DRV Zrt., Érd és Térsége Csatornaszolgáltató Kft., E.R.Ö.V. Víziközmű Zrt., FCSM Zrt. (except for FCSM Zrt. invoices factored by Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt.), GYŐR-SZOL Zrt., Magyar Telekom Nyrt., Nyírtávhő Kft., PANNON-VÍZ Zrt., Tettye Forrásház Zrt., and TiszaSzolg 2004 Kft. do not provide information about bill balances, so their balances in the Díjnet system do not change even after settlement!

You can manually mark the bills of these service providers as settled by clicking on the "Mark as Settled" button found in the details of the respective bill. After this, you will find the bill in the Bill Search menu.

MVM Next Energiakereskedelmi Zrt. provides data on the balance of gas bills simultaneously with the presentation of the next current bill in Díjnet.

How can I indicate that I have paid the bill but not through Díjnet?

If you did not pay the bill through Díjnet, you can indicate it by clicking on the "Mark as Settled" button found in the details of the bill. After this, you will find the bill in the Bill Search menu.

A bill marked as settled cannot be reverted to the payable status. If you accidentally marked the bill as settled, please inform us at, and our colleagues will be happy to help you.

Important! The status marked as settled does not confirm that the bill has actually been paid.

What does it mean to mark a bill as settled?

If you did not pay the bill through Díjnet, you can indicate it by clicking on the "Mark as Settled" button found in the details of the bill. After this, you will find the bill in the Bill Search menu.

A bill marked as settled cannot be reverted to the payable status. If you accidentally marked the bill as settled, please inform us at, and our colleagues will be happy to help you.

Important! The status marked as settled does not confirm that the bill has actually been paid.

How can I prove that I have paid the bill?

Since bill payment on Díjnet always occurs electronically, through a bank, you can prove the settlement of the bill to your service provider with your bank statement.

I paid the bill, but it is in the "Payment Pending" status. Why?

It may happen that there is no immediate feedback from the payment service provider (Simple Pay) regarding the successful or unsuccessful payment, or the payment process may be interrupted due to technical issues. In this case, the status of the bill will be "Payment Pending."

Once Díjnet receives the feedback from the payment service provider regarding the successful or unsuccessful payment, the status of the bill will change accordingly. This usually takes only a few minutes.

What happens if my bill received in Díjnet shows an overpayment?

Regarding the handling of overpayments, please contact your service provider.

I cannot pay the bill issued by Díjbeszedő Holding because its status is "Pending Collection" or "Reattempted Collection." Why?

If a bill issued by Díjbeszedő Holding is in "Pending Collection" status, you cannot pay it through Díjnet. If the direct debit fails, the bill will be in "Reattempted Collection" status, and again, it cannot be paid through Díjnet. Díjbeszedő Holding will attempt to collect the amount again.

If the direct debit fails again, you can pay the bill through Díjnet.

There is a direct debit set up for the bill issued by Díjbeszedő Holding, but I want to pay it differently now. What should I do?

As long as the status of your invoice issued by Díjbeszedő Holding is "waiting for collection", you have the option to disable group collection or to pay the invoice. You can do this by clicking on the given account and clicking on the "Prohibit debit" button in the account details. In this case, Díjbeszedő Holding will not attempt collective collection of the invoice amount.

Important! Disabling direct debit applies only to the current bill. You can terminate the direct debit authorization with your bank.

If the bill issued by Díjbeszedő Holding is in "Pending Collection" status, you cannot pay it through Díjnet. If the direct debit fails, the bill will be in "Reattempted Collection" status, and again, it cannot be paid through Díjnet. Díjbeszedő Holding will attempt to collect the amount again.

If the direct debit fails again, you can pay the bill through Díjnet.


In addition to managing e-invoices on Díjnet, our registered customers can also make donations. If you'd like to learn more about donating on Díjnet, you can find useful information below.

How can I donate on Díjnet?

You can easily donate to foundations and charitable organizations affiliated with Díjnet. All you need to do is register on Díjnet, then select the "Donations" menu to choose which foundation or charity you'd like to support.

By clicking on the logo of the foundation or charity, you can specify the amount of your donation, which you can immediately settle with your credit card.

I want to help, I donate!

Why is it good to donate through Díjnet?

Ensuring security and transparency during donations is crucial for Díjnet, which is why the option to donate is provided in collaboration with the Self-Regulatory Body of Fundraising Organizations and the Díjnet.

The Body works to strengthen donor confidence, and for this purpose, the Ethical Code of Fundraising Organizations has been developed, which organizations accepting it commit to following. The main pillars of the Ethical Code are credibility, legality, transparency, and publicity.

You can find more information about the Body and the ethical code here.

I want to help, I donate!

Which foundations can I donate to on Díjnet?

At Díjnet, you can currently donate to the following foundations and charities:

Alapítvány a Budapesti Állatkertért

Alternatíva Alapítvány

Amnesty International Magyarország

Autistic Art Közhasznú Alapítvány az Autista Lakóotthonokért

Bagázs Közhasznú Egyesület

Baráthegyi Vakvezető Kutya Iskola

Bátor Tábor Alapítvány

Civil Kollégium Alapítvány

Csodalámpa Alapítvány

Egy Sima Egy Fordított / Egyesület az Inklúzióért

Első Nyúlmentő Alapítvány

Északi Támpont Közhasznú Egyesület

Felelős Gasztrohős Alapítvány

Gyökerek és Szárnyak Alapítvány

Habitat for Humanity Magyarország

Hangya közösség Alapítvány

HAT Alapítvány

Hintalovon Gyermekjogi Alapítvány

Hősök Tere Alapítvány

Igazgyöngy Alapítvány

InDaHouse Hungary Egyesület

KórházSuli Alapítvány

Leukémiás Gyermekekért Alapítvány

Magyar Élelmiszerbank Egyesület

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If you didn't find an answer to your question in the other categories, don't worry; you'll find even more useful information below, including details about meter reading submission, the SzámlaPlusz service, and data protection.

Meter reading

What types of meter readings can I report on Díjnet and how?

Currently, you can report meter readings only for secondary water meters billed by Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt. To do this, simply log in to your Díjnet account and access the "Meter Reading" menu.

When submitting meter readings for the first time, you'll need to enter your payment identification code, which you can find on the bill issued by Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt. If you enter the code correctly and it's during the reading submission period, you can immediately record your current meter reading.

For subsequent meter reading submissions, you won't need to enter your payment identification code again; you'll just need to select the meter for which you want to submit a reading.

My water meters have been replaced, and their factory numbers have changed. How do I report the readings for the new meters?

In the case of replacing secondary water meters, the factory numbers of the newly installed meters will automatically update in the Díjnet system after being transferred to the records of Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt.

If the data for the new meters do not appear on Díjnet two months after the meter replacement, please contact Díjbeszedő Holding's customer service at 414-5000 or email them at to verify the processing of the replacement.

Can I submit meter readings if my secondary water meter has expired certification?

According to information provided by Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt., consumption based on readings cannot be accounted for on secondary water meters with expired certification.

This is because, following the amendment of Government Decree 58/2013 (II. 27.) on December 10, 2015, if a consumer fails to ensure the certification or replacement of their secondary water meter by the deadline, the supplementary service agreement with Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt. terminates. Considering the legal reference and the Business Regulations of Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt., consumption cannot be accounted for based on readings for any secondary water meter with expired certification (not even for one consumption point).

If there is at least one secondary water meter with expired certification at the address you specified - corresponding to the payment identification code - then the prohibition/restriction on recording meter readings applies to all meters at the consumption point.

Due to the above, it is not possible to display the data of secondary water meters with expired certification(s) or to record meter reading(s) on Díjnet. You can only submit meter readings during the reading submission period if you don't have any secondary water meters with expired certification.

For information regarding the replacement of secondary water meters, please contact Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt.

How do I know when my meter reading submission period is?

The meter reading submission period designated by the provider is indicated on every bill. Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt. can accept submitted meter readings during the following extended submission periods:

  • If the issuance date of your - drinking water fee containing - summary bill falls on the first day of the month, then submissions are accepted from the 1st to the 15th of the following month,
  • If the issuance date falls on the 15th, then submissions are accepted from the middle of the following month until the last day of the month.

Important! Only data from secondary water meters billed by Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt. can be recorded on Díjnet.


What is phishing?

Phishing is when an internet scammer disguises themselves as an official page of a well-known company, attempting to illegitimately acquire various personal data such as identifiers, passwords, and bank card numbers.

The link placed in such types of emails leads to a deceptively similar page to the website of the respective company – for example, Díjnet – and the link provided for initiating payment redirects to the scammers' payment interface, which also deceptively resembles the bank's payment interface.

This is dangerous because the data provided on the fake interface can be easily stolen and misused by the scammers.

I received a suspicious email claiming to be from Díjnet, what should I do?

If you receive a phishing-suspicious email, it's important not to click on any links within the email.

To ensure the reliability of the email, we suggest sending a screenshot of the email that appears to be from the scammer to the email address, and also informing us of the email address from which you received the suspicious email.

How can I recognize a phishing email?

You can identify phishing emails based on several suspicious signs. If any of the following points are true for the email, it may be a phishing attempt.

  1. If the email lacks accents or contains ungrammatical expressions.
  2. If the email contains incorrect information (e.g., incorrect name).
  3. If the amount on the invoice significantly deviates from the usual (e.g., unusually low or high).
  4. If the email requests your bank card details. Díjnet never asks for bank card details via email! You should only provide them during payment on the payment service provider's (Simple Pay) page.
  5. If the link or login URL in the email does not begin with

Why did I receive a phishing email?

Díjnet employs a multi-level security system to ensure the security of your data, so you can be sure that your data did not leak from Díjnet.

Scammers often collect contact information from other external sources, so even someone who is not a Díjnet customer might receive a message disguised as an email sent from Díjnet.

Customer service, complaint handling

Where can I turn if I have an issue with the content of the bill?

Regarding the content of your bill, only your service provider can provide information. However, you can also contact your service provider through Díjnet and report the issue.

If you want to send a question or comment to your service provider regarding a specific bill, you can do so as follows:

  1. Log in to your Díjnet account.
  2. Click on the respective bill, then on the "Comments" tab.
  3. Provide your name and message.

This message will automatically be sent to your service provider, who will reply directly to your registered Díjnet email address.

Where can I turn for help if I have any issues with the Díjnet system?

If you encounter any problems with the Díjnet system or would like to send us a suggestion, you can do so by logging into your Díjnet account and clicking on the "Feedback, Complaints" tab.

Additionally, you can reach our customer service at the email address, where our colleagues will be happy to help you.

How can I stop my service provider's bills from being presented in Díjnet?

If you no longer want to receive your bills in Díjnet, you must first initiate the termination of your billing registration with the service provider so they can change your billing method in their system.

  1. Log in to your Díjnet account,
  2. In the "Billing registration" menu, click on the "Previous registrations" tab, and
  3. Click on the "Initiate deletion" button to initiate the termination of your billing registration.

After deleting the billing registration, you will still find your previously presented bills in your Díjnet account (for up to 18 months as indicated in our General Terms and Conditions).

I want to delete my Díjnet account, where can I turn?

You can delete your Díjnet account only after you have terminated all active billing registrations and these terminations have been confirmed by the service providers. The deletion of the Díjnet registration can be done in accordance with the provisions set forth in the General Terms and Conditions.

If you wish to delete your Díjnet account, please contact our customer service at the email address

Do you have more questions? We help!


If you want to send a question to your service provider about a specific bill, you can do so by logging into your Díjnet account and clicking on the Comments tab under the bill details.

This message will be sent to your service provider, who will send a reply to your e-mail address registered in Díjnet.


If you have any questions about Díjnet's functions, use or your Díjnet account,, writo to the email and our staff will be happy to help.

You can also contact our customer service by entering your Díjnet account in the Comments, complaints menu item.


For problems related to the content of your invoices, invoicing settings or transcription, please contact your service provider's customer service directly.

Your service provider can also provide information on issues related to overpayment and credit.

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