User guide
1. Introduction
The Díjnet system is available at the address. On the opening page by clicking on the “Free registration” button, registration can be initiated. Previously registered customers can log in to the Díjnet system by completing the fields at the upper side of the opening page

Apart from the user guide, brief, local information within the program will also help you use the system, this information will provide guidance in relation to the currently viewed page (“Help” icon in the top right corner of the page) or the fields to be completed (the “i” information button).
2. Registration
In the Díjnet system a two-tier registration system will achieve electronic generation and presentment of your invoices for you. First, you will need to register to the system, then to the bill issuer whose bills you wish to handle electronically. Before starting the registration process, please be sure to read the general terms and condition which include further general, but fundamental information. Without accepting these (by clicking in the box next to the text “I agree to the General Terms and Conditions”), you are not allowed to register.
2.1. Formal requirements regarding login name
Please, choose a login name you can easily remember. In the future, the system will be able to identify you with the name entered here. You cannot change the selected login name later on, ,so please proceed carefully.

Our e-mail on successful registration will include your login name, which will be available if you happen to forget it.

The login name may contain the letters of the English alphabet (i.e. only non-accented characters), numbers, hyphens(-), underscores (“_”) and periods (“.”) but no spaces. It should be at least 4 and up to 15 characters and begin with a letter (e. g. pista345 or ANONYMOUS12). Lower and upper case letters are NOT distinguished.
2.2. Requirement for password form
A password is required as this will ensure that no unauthorized persons will access your data even if they know your login name.

The password may contain lower and upper case letters of the English alphabet (i. e. non-accented characters, only), punctuation characters (-_?.,#!:;+), as well as numbers, but no spaces. It may be at least 8 and up to 30 characters long. Please pay particular attention to the use of lower and upper case letters when typing because the system is CASE SENSITIVE! Please make sure that the 'Caps Lock' function is not activated.
3. Registration activation
Once registered, the system will send you an activation link by e-mail, which is required to activate your registration. Please clink to the link. In the case if the activation fails with the help of the activation link we will send you the activation code too. With this code - after logging in to the Díjnet system - you can finalize - activate - your registration. Copy this password to the field called 'Code required for activation' and click the button. (Later, logins are performed as described in the next chapter.)

If you have not received such an e-mail, you may have incorrectly entered your e-mail address. In this case, use the “Activation” page - which can be accessed during registration after entering the login name and password you have chosen on the opening page by clicking (on) the 'Login' button - to select the “I have not received an activation code” button, so you can view and if necessary, modify your previously entered e-mail address. After rewriting the address, click on the “Send new e-mail” button.

The above should be followed (without changing the email address) even If you have accidentally deleted the activation e-mail.

Do not forget that to handle your bills electronically in the future, you have to register with the relevant bill issuer, as well!
4. Log in to the Díjnet system
Enter your user name and password to log in.

You can have a maximum of ten attempt to enter the correct password after which you will be temporarily blocked by the system.
5. Bill issuer registration
By the bill issuer registration, you will indicate your intention to use electronic bill presentment towards the selected bill issuers and agree to settle your bills by means of a bank account in the future. The functions related to bill issuers can only be used if you have already registered with the relevant bill issuers. To do this, select the “Bill Issuers” menu option after login, where you will find two tabbed pages. You may initiate a new bill issuer registration on the “New registration” page. To do this, select the desired bill issuer and click on its name.

The Díjnet system currently includes the following bill issuers:
  • Allianz Hungária Zrt.
  • Bakonykarszt Zrt.
  • Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt.
  • Direct One
  • DMRV Zrt.
  • DRV Zrt.
  • E.R.Ö.V. Víziközmű Zrt.
  • Érd és Térsége Csatornaszolgáltató Kft.
  • Érd és Térsége Víziközmű Kft.
  • ÉRV Zrt.
  • Északdunántúli Vízmű Zrt.
  • Fejérvíz Zrt.
  • Fővárosi Csatornázási Művek Zrt.
  • GYŐR-SZOL Zrt.
  • Hódmezővásárhelyi Vagyonkezelő Zrt.
  • Kaposvári Önkormányzati Vagyonkezelő és Szolgáltató Zrt.
  • KAVÍZ Kaposvári Víz- és Csatornamű Kft.
  • Magyar Telekom Nyrt.
  • MOHU MOL Hulladékgazdálkodási Zrt.
  • MVM Next Energiakereskedelmi Zrt.
  • Nyírségvíz Zrt.
  • Stabil-Téka Épület és Lakásfenntartó Kft.
  • Szegedi Vízmű Zrt.
  • SZÉPHŐ Székesfehérvári Épületfenntartó és Hőszolgáltató Zrt.
  • Tettye Forrásház Zrt.
  • Tiszamenti Regionális Vízművek Zrt.
  • TiszaSzolg 2004 Kft.
  • VKSZ Veszprémi Közüzemi Szolgáltató Zrt.
A bill (usually less than six month old) is needed for the bill issuer's registration, the data requested during registration are always included in the bills. To make this information easier to find in your bill, we provide help/our help is available in the pop-up window opening when you click on the “i” information buttons next to the data fields to be completed during registration.

(After entering the customer number and billing details new Direct One customers can click in the screen checkbox next to the text “I am a new subscriber with no paper bill yet” to mark if they have not received a bill. In this case, the bill number and the amount to be paid is not required for registration.)

We will forward the registration request to the service provider who will decide on the basis of information entered whether to accept your registration. The outcome of this assessment will be sent to you by e-mail in a few days.

Important! Multiple bill issuer registrations can be handled with a single mobile name, thus apart from your own bills you can handle within a single Díjnet registration the bills related to a family member, or as an owner of several real properties, the bills related to different consumption points.

The newly initiated bill issuer registration will appear on the page opening when clicking on “Previous Registrations” in the “Bill Issuers” menu point. Any possible bill issuer registration previously created will be displayed here, as well.

When clicking on a given bill issuer registration row, the registration details can be viewed in the resulting screen and here, you can also perform certain settings, e. g. 'name' the registration by completing the “Display Name” field.

The display name will help distinguish the data and bills related to individual bill issuer identifiers. (They can be readily used when apart from your own bills, you are handling as a proxy bills by a family member or as an owner of several properties, you are handling bills for different points of consumption.)

On this same screen, you can assign a given payment method to a bill issuer registration or to request a warning email before expiry of the payment deadline.

If you wish to delete the bill issuer registration, you can do so by clicking on the “Initiate deletion” button. Detailed information on deletion of registration is available in Point 12
6. Handling of bills
Once the bill issuer has accepted your registration and an electronic bill has been prepared for you - you will be notified by e-mail if the bill has been received by Díjnet - you can handle the bills using the “Bills Payable” and the “Bill Search” menu items.
6.1. Viewing bill details
The “Bills Payable” menu item contains all of your unpaid bills. The 'Bill Search' menu item can be used to view all of your electronic bills presented.

Here you can specify the relevant service provider whose bills you wish to see along with the dates of issuance. You can enter the start and the end date in the format (e. g.: 2006.11.16) or you can select it using a calendar. To do this, first click on the button showing a calendar next to the input field, then click on the appropriate day in the monthly calendar.

The fields are not mandatory and if not a single field is completed, you can view all of your electronic bills presented in the Díjnet system by clicking on the “Search” button.

Bills will be displayed in a tabular form. When clicking on the row with the selected bill, you can view the most important bill details on displayed the “Extract” tabbed page. If not all bill items can fit the screen, click on the 'Further Items>>' button to view additional items.

We wish to emphasize that only the major bill details are displayed here, detailed bill information can be viewed by opening the authentic electronic bill, which can be accessed on the “Downloads” tabbed page. The method for downloading bills is detailed in Point 6.4.
6.2. Bill payment
You can only arrange for payment of a bill after it has been viewed. When you click on the row with the corresponding bill information, the major bill details will be displayed on the screen. You can initiate bill payment on the “Payment” tabbed page and the also view here the information necessary for the latter.

If you have previously paid your bills by check or in cash, you will agree upon registration to ensure payment of electronic bills by single transfer, direct debit, or bank card, internet banking or mobile payment through the Díjnet system.

Except for DRV Zrt., Érd és Térsége Csatornaszolgáltató Kft., FCSM Zrt., GYŐR-SZOL Zrt., Magyar Telekom Nyrt., Nyírtávhő Kft., PANNON-VÍZ Zrt. and Tettye Forrásház Zrt., Bill Issuers make us available the balance of the given account, thus, after settlement, the account status and balance will be modified according to the Bill Issuer's feedback. Of the invoices of FCSM Zrt. only invoices factored by Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt. will receive a balance in the Díjnet system.
6.2.1. Bank card payment (VPOS)
In the event of bank card payment over the Internet, OTP Mobil Kft. will provide the option of accepting cards, by a secure card acceptance system using the SSL protocol. When paying by bank card, you will be redirected to the payment page of the OTP Mobil Kft., and payment will be made directly on the page operated by OTP Mobil Kft. according to the rules and security requirements of international card companies. Payment can be initiated by a bank card issued by any bank, which is suitable for internet shopping. Díjnet Zrt. is not in possession of your card details or the underlying account, its number or expiration date in any form, and it cannot gain access to the latter, either.

Payment by bank card is subject to the rules of purchase. Bank card registration
When paying a bill by your bank card - regardless of the financial institution that issued your credit card - you may opt for bank card registration, as well so that the card details will not have be entered before every future payment translation and this way, the potential for errors is smaller.

Bank card registration is performed in the OTP Mobil Kft system allowing payment.
6.2.2. Internet banking payment
For Díjnet, this payment form is different from commonly known internet banking payments. This payment method is available to our customers holding bank accounts at CIB Bank Zrt., and they have CIB Internet Bank contracts.

Registration is required to perform online bank payment from Díjnet, which can be initiated by logging into Díjnet, then clicking on “Internet Bank” under the 'Payment Methods' menu item and then clicking on the logo of client's account holding bank on the appearing page. (Registration can be also started from the Payment page after selecting an unsettled bill.) A pop-up window will provide brief information about internet banking registration. When pressing the 'Initiate Registration' button, Díjnet will generate a numeric identifier, the so-called Díjnet identifier, which must be entered when logging into the internet service of the selected bank to activate registration. This Díjnet identifier must be entered in the “Transfer / Díjnet / Díjnet registration” menu item for CIB Internet Bank. The banks will send the recorded identifier back to the Díjnet system for the purpose of identification and verification. If an appropriate Díjnet identifier is available, the internet banking registration becomes active.

Payment by internet bank is only possible if an active internet banking registration has been performed.

Internet bank payments can be initiated in Díjnet after selecting the bill to be paid by clicking on the 'Internet Bank' text on the 'Payment' tab. After performing the relevant steps in the process, the bill/bills to be paid will appear in the “Transfer/Díjnet/Díjnet bills” menu item for CIB Bank, where actual payment can be initiated.

Our clients can set internet banking payment as the default payment option for individual bill issuers.
6.2.3. Mobile payment
To use the mobile payment service first you have to download the iCsekk mobile application. After successfull download register a new iCsekk account by giving your e-mail address and a password. After logging in to your newly registered account you can activate Díjnet service under “Settings” where you need to give the login data of your Díjnet account. In case the service activation is successfull all your unsettled bills will be transfered to you iCsekk account, appearing among the awaiting bills. To start the payment just click on the row of the selected bill and click the “Pay now” button. Later, you can handle the sending of the bills to the mobile phone from your Díjnet account as well from “Settings” tabbed page under “User details”. From here you can start or cancel the automatic sendings of the bills to mobile phone for each registred bill issuer one by one or all at once. The unsettled bills can be sent to (or be recalled from) mobile individually as well from the “Payment” tabbed page appearing after clicking on the row of the selected bill. To send the bill to mobile phone click on the “Sending to mobile phone” button under “Mobile payment” link, whereas to call the bill back from mobile phone click on the “Recall from mobile phone” link.

You can learn more about mobile payment under “Payment methods” by clicking on the “Mobile payment” link.
6.2.4. Individual transfer
If you have no active direct debit order in relation to the selected service provider, you can display the information required for settling the bill by clicking on “Information required for specific bank transfers” on the “Payment” tabbed page.

If you have viewed a bill issued by Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt. and other bills are also included in the debit summary related to the bill, you can also see the information concerning the complete Charge Summary under the table with the selected bill data. The transfer amount will vary depending on checking or unchecking the boxes next to the bill items displayed in the table. By default, the transfer amount will include the Amount Due in the Charge Summary.

For One Magyarország Zrt., or Direct One the current balance will be displayed as the amount due, which may include the amount of previously issued, but unpaid bills. Thus, a single transfer is sufficient to settle the bills shown as unpaid with respect to the given service provider.

For those bill issuers handing over the data related to the account balances, the bill status will be “Settled” according to a confirmation sent to Díjnet.

Allianz Hungária Zrt, DRV Zrt., Érd és Térsége Csatornaszolgáltató Kft., E.R.Ö.V. Víziközmű Zrt., FCSM Zrt., GYŐR-SZOL Zrt., Magyar Telekom Nyrt., Nyírtávhő Kft., PANNON-VÍZ Zrt., Tettye Forrásház Zrt. and TiszaSzolg 2004 Kft. will not provide account balance details to the Díjnet system but our customers have the option to mark the bill status as “Settled” after paying the bill. Of the invoices of FCSM Zrt. only invoices factored by Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt. will receive a balance in the Díjnet system. MVM Next Energiakereskedelmi Zrt. – Gas will hand over the account balance data upon presentation of the next current bill. Of course, even in this case, the clients have the option to mark the account status as “Settled” after bill payment.
6.2.5. Direct debit
The direct debit order previously specified by you will remain in effect after switching to electronic bill presentment, as well. Thus, if you have a valid direct debit order related to a given bill issuer, the issuer will charge all bills to your account holding bank.

For invoices issued by Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt., you can disable direct debit via Díjnet or allow direct debit for bills previously unpaid or disabled.

To enable or disable debit, click the “Enable / disable debit” on the “Payment” tabbed page. Then, the key data for your unpaid bills will be displayed in a table, and direct debit can be enabled or disabled by checking or unchecking the last column, and click on the “Modify Debit” to finalize your selection. The time limit for disabling direct debit is displayed in the upper right corner. After this date, charging of the given invoice to your account holding bank cannot be disabled anymore on the Díjnet interface.

If you have used a bill which has been issued by Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt. and other bills are also included in the debit summary related to the bill, you can also see the data of the latter under the table listing the details of the selected bill and give instructions about their payment similarly to the above manner.

We wish to emphasize that if you do not want to disable the settlement of any new bill, you do not have to do anything since by default, the service provider will charge each bill to your account holding bank.

If you do not wish to settle electronic bills by direct debit, you have to issue a cancellation of your relevant order to your account-holding bank because to avoid any double payment, the System does allow you to settle the bills prepared in a direct debit form in any other way.
6.3. Downloading bills, handling authentic bills
If you wish to see a bill in an authentic form or download it to your own computer, select the page related to the “Download” tab and click on the appropriate link. Here, you can even find the program needed to handle the authentic versions of electronic bills and their printable (PDF) format and save then to your own computer. These programs can be installed and used for free. The e-Signature program can only be used in an unregistered form. Without registration, the software product only performs signature with certificates issued by Microsec and it can be only used with the Microsec time stamp feature. The unregistered version may send advertisements to the user.
6.3.1. Download the required software
You can only view or print a printable version of the bill if your computer has a program capable of displaying PDF files (e. g. Adobe Reader). Electronic invoices can be authenticated - depending on the issuers in two ways.
  • signed PDF files,
  • signed e-Signature files.
The e-Signature program is required to handle the bills signed using e-Signature in an authentic manner.

After selecting the given bill, you can download the program on the “Download” page or they can also be downloaded from the links above. To do this, click on the appropriate link, then perform the appropriate steps needed for download. Then you need to install the downloaded programs to use them.
6.3.2. Downloading and viewing authentic bills
The authentic accounts satisfy the statutory provisions concerning electronic bills: as a minimum requirement, they have a high security electronic signature and a time stamp certifying the date of issuance, they are authentic in their electronic form, thus they are acceptable as proof anywhere. In printed form, however, they are for informational purposes only. The authentic version of the selected bill can be viewed after installing the Adobe Reader or the e-Signature program.

Downloading authentic bills: Signed e-Signature files
To download or view an authentic bill, click the “Authentic bill” link and in the subsequent pop-up window, click on the appropriately labelled button. If you have selected “Download”, enter the directory where you want to save the authentic bill. If “Open” is selected, the e-Signature program is automatically loaded where the authentic bill features can be viewed. In the upper left window, you may select whether you want to see a bill in a PDF or XML format (the document data will be displayed in the upper right window by a single click, and the file containing the bill will be opened by a double click) or if you are interested in the authentication data (when clicking on the name of the signatory, the authentication data will appear on the left side, when double-clicking on the name of the signatory, you can get information on the authentication in a separate window). Signed PDF files
To view or download authentic PDF files, click on the “Printed bill version (PDF) Authentic bill” link. After opening the file, signatures for authenticity can be checked by clicking on the “Signatures” icon on the left side of the document. If the “Signature validity unknown” or “At least one signature incorrect” text appears in the pop-up window and you want to check the authenticity of the signed PDF file,, you have to set a reliable certificate for the Adobe Reader.

The steps required for the latter can be viewed here.TODO_HOL?
6.4. Events
You can use this page to view the events related to a selected bill or bill payment, in chronological order. It can be verified when the bill was received in the Díjnet system, when and how the settlement was initiated (e. g. by sending to internet bank, or mobile phone or by a bank card) or the data of notification sent to the Díjnet system by the bill issuer regarding settlement can be viewed.
6.5. Bill information
The service provider or bill issuer information related to the bills (for paper-based invoices, indicated on the reverse side) or for telephone services, the itemized list of calls can be viewed on this tabbed page.
6.6. Comments on the bill
In case you have questions, comments or complaints related to the selected bill, you can e-mail it to your customer service on the “Comments” tabbed page. This function works the same way as the “Comments, Complaints” menu item in the main menu but here, we only expect you to enter the comments related to the selected bill, which will be transmitted directly to the bill issuer.

If you have a comment not related to the contents of the bill, please send it from the 'Observations, Complaints' menu item.
6.7. Settings (related to bill issuers)
On this page you can change the default settings of the bill issuer registration related to the selected bill.

You may provide that after receipt, the bills should be automatically forwarded to a registered payment device (internet bank, mobile payment) or whether you want a warning e-mail prior to expiry of the bill payment deadline for the relevant bill issuer. Here, you can also modify the alias name.

(These settings options can be modified in the “Bill Issuers” menu items on the “Previous Registrations” page on the pop-up window opening upon selecting the bill issuer registration to be modified.)
6.8. Newsletter
Certain bill issuers will inform their clients concerning current news regarding their services, which can be viewed in this menu item by clients selecting electronic bill presentiment.
6.9. Bill explanation
In case of certain bill issuers the bill explanation can be found on this tabbed page.
6.10. Call list
In case of certain bill issuers the itemized call list related to the bill can found on a unique tabbed page (Itemized call list).
6.11. Notices
Information, and bill explanation related to the bill can be found ont this tabbed page in case of certain bill issuers.
7. Changing user details and password
Our registered customers may correct - if necessary - their personal details and their passwords needed to log in using the“User information” menu item.

The login name cannot be modified.
7.1. Personal information
The relevant e-mail address, name and mailing address can be modified or the telephone number can be entered here.
7.2. Change password
The login password can be modified on the “Change password” page Please note that for added security, your password should be changed as often as possible.
7.3. Settings (Client-related settings)
If you wish to pay your bills using a registered payment method (internet banking payment, mobile payment), it is possible to configure that the bills are automatically forwarded to the payment device selected by you after their arrival in the Díjnet system.

To do this, select the payment method you wish to use from the drop-down list in the “Automatic forwarding of payable bill” on the “Settings” page. If you wish to forward the bills for all issuers you have registered, you should validate it by clicking on the “Approve Settings” button. If you only want to forward the bills related to certain issuers automatically to some registered payment device, you can select individually whether to request automatic bill forwarding for individual bill issuers in the panel opening when clicking on the “Setting per bill issuer” prior to approval.

(This setting option is not applicable for direct debit bill payment and bill forwarding to a registered bank card is not possible.)

In addition, you can select a warning e-mail to be sent by the system for bill payment due dates expiring soon; this setting can be done collectively for all bill issuer registration or separately for each bill issuer in the pop-up window appearing after clicking on the “Settings per bill issuer” text.

You can also perform the following setting separately for each bill issuer after selecting the given bill on the “Settings” page (see: 6.7. Point) or after viewing the details of the bill issuer registration (see: 5. Point). The settings can be finalized by clicking on the “Confirm settings” button
8. E-mail messages
The Díjnet system will send you automated e-mail messages in some cases to give you information for the implementation of some activities or to notify you on time concerning important events related to the operation of the system. Moreover, you may also receive e-mails from the bill issuer customer service departments which may primarily request data correction related to registration or submission of documents supporting eligibility.
9. Comments, complaints
This menu item serves to e-mail us your comments related to the Díjnet system or to initiate termination of your Díjnet registration. Select the subject of your letter from the drop-down list. If your comment is related to a specific invoice, please enter it in the “Comments” tabbed page after selecting the relevant bill, but not here.
10. Meter reading report
Currently, the auxiliary water meters billed by Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt. can be entered in the Díjnet system. Reporting meter readings with regard to electric power meters, gas meters or water meters billed by other Service Providers is not yet possible.

If you wish to report a meter reading, click the “Report meter reading” menu item after login. In the resulting screen, go to the next page using the “Next” button. In the drop-down list, the System will automatically display the Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt. payment identifier in connection with which a bill issuer registration is available irrespective of the relevant service billed for the given identifier.

Thus, you can use the drop-down list to select the payer identifier to which the meters are linked. If you wish to report readings for meters for which there is no bill issuer registration concerning the relevant payer identifier and no related meter reading has been entered either, enter the payer identifier in the input field under the drop-down list. Then, by pressing the “OK” button, you can access the screen for entering meter readings. You should only enter the data detailed below upon the first meter reading report, and they will be automatically displayed the next time that meter readings are reported.

You are expected to enter the following information on the input screen.

Place of manufacturing: Identification of the location of the measuring instrument, data item shown in the bill which will not change even if a meter is replaced. This will be automatically displayed later on. Please note that accurate typing is required since this information cannot be changed later on.

Meter serial number: A data item included in the invoice, to be displayed automatically later on. In case the water meters have been replaced, their serial number will automatically change (after they are changed in Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt.'s system).

Alias name: This is not mandatory, but it multiple meters are present, this helps to distinguish them easily (e.g. hot water in bathroom, cold water in kitchen). Later on, it will be displayed automatically, but can be changed at any time.

Current meter reading: Please enter the given meter reading in this field.

Reading date: Enter the date of the meter reading here. The field includes the current date by default which can be modified if the meter reading was not read on this day. You can type in the date ( format) or select from the calendar appearing after clicking on an icon next to the field.

Previous meter reading: If you have previously entered a meter reading for the given meter, we will indicate the last reported meter reading and reading date in this column. Only those data reported by you on the Díjnet interface will be displayed here. Any meter reading reported to Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt. in any other way will not be displayed here.

If you have several meters, you have to click on the button labelled “Additional meters” to enter second, third, etc. meters upon reporting the first meter reading and after recording the mandatory parameters of the first meter.

If you have entered all required measurement data, you can access the control screen with the “Next” button. If the data have been entered incorrectly, use the “Modify” button to return to the previous page and correct the erroneous data. You can send the correctly entered data to the service provider by pressing the button labelled “Recording meter reading”
11. Logout
You can properly exit the Díjnet system by selecting the “Exit” button in the top right corner of the screen. Please, in your own interest, never leave the system without logging out because others might misuse your details. This is especially true if you have worked on a shared computer.

For your safety, if you stop communicating with the system for a long time, a regular logout is performed automatically.
12. Termination of registration
You can initiate the termination of the bill issuer's or the Díjnet registration at any time. A precondition for termination of the Díjnet registration is that all bill issuer registrations must be terminated beforehand, which can be initiated in the 'Bill Issuers' menu item in the “Previous registrations” tabbed page on the screen appearing upon clicking on the bill issuer registration line to be deleted, using the “Initiate deletion” button.

The relevant bill issuer will inform you by e-mail of the date of cancellation of the registration.

If you have canceled all bill issuer's registrations, it is advisable to wait for the receipt of bills possibly issued after deletion of the bill issuer registrations, then you may initiate deletion of your Díjnet registration. After deleting Díjnet registration, you will not be able to log into the system, and you will not even be able to access your previous electronic bills. We encourage you to save your electronic bills to your own computer or any electronic media before deleting Díjnet registration. If you do not do this (or you cannot access your saved bills for some reason), you can request reissuance of your electronic bills at the Bill Issuer customer service, but this service is subject to a charge for most Bill Issuers.

Termination of your Díjnet registration may be initiated with an e-mail message with a Subject line “Deletion of Díjnet registration” sent from the “Comments, Complaints” menu item.
Effective from 27 August 2024